Jun 19, 2013

Christian And Demon

     Funny thing about this religion is that they practically accuse everyone for being possessed by Demon but walking on water is perfectly okay. And they said it was just one dude made this world in 6 days or 7 days or something and then pointed the source where a lot of it has actually came from is the Hell itself. It's kind of like thanking the God for the food and farmers can go to hell.
     Anyway, I'm assuming God and Demons are all created by people who wanted to believe or wanted to control people with beliefs. Somehow Demons are way more overpopulated than Angels, so let's just go ahead and say Demon are real for a moment just so we can have some understanding of their logic of how they dealt with them. Because the punishment was pretty real back in about medieval.
     I'm not even gonna quote about war and genocide they caused because of this Religion. I'm just gonna go a small scale and how about 'burning people alive'? Their pathetic idea of 'free will' was apparently that thing is a witchcraft or something, so it's better to burn the free will. And that said, something I wanna get straight here. Demon's from hell, lot of lava and heat and fire and all that toasty stuff. And people who wanted to punish Demon set them on fire for punishment while if that was a real Demon he'd rather enjoy that and feeling like he's back at home already as his possessed Human form is turning into ash. And eventually that Demon would be back in Hell or something. But did Christians believed Demon would get punished once they're sent back to hell? To me that sounds like a giving a dude a vacation home. And presume that Demon would know how to possess someone by now, wouldn't he be like "Ah that was a good time being back home, seeing my families. Now which baby should I possess today?"
     Well I know and also heard quite often that all those punishment things were just method of controlling people and not really wasn't representative of the religion. They didn't have TV back then. They had to make some impression, I guess. But lot of people actually believed in it and praised that insanity. It's just some people who would believe in everything but their own mistakes.
     Christian that believes in lot of good wills and having faiths in it should be a separate religion from Christian that talk a lot about Demons and superstitions. These Demonic people's just making me anti-religion while I do believe in about the same thing of the other half of that religion, only in different names of my own. And for good reason. And they're just keep saying stop questioning their beliefs. But they're just saying that because they can't justify the things that they do and hate to be wrong so powerfully at the same time, aren't they? Who's the Demon of Deception, then?

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