Apr 29, 2013

I'm an FTL?

     Einstein said we can't travel faster than light, whatever vision and calculation he's been having at his time. Not much of a calculator myself, but I have a couple of fun theories that contradicts his theory. Light tend to bend and reflect every time it hit something such as water or blackhole. Doesn't that mean light can become into a full stop? Then wouldn't that make us simply walk faster than light?
     Another theory : if universe is an exploded thing and we're still in the middle of the explosion, then other side of the center of explosion from us is probably flying away incredibly fast. And maybe from the perspective from that other side from us, we are already traveling faster than the light? Which explains why night sky isn't glowing with colors or completely white for how many stars are filling in the universe, even with the eye of Hubble scope. Maybe dim lights and Dark Matter isn't the only reasons why night sky is so dark. Maybe some lights simply can't reach us because they are raying backward from us.

     It would be pretty interesting if we do technologically travel faster than light. Imagine traveling with a space ship that can travel about an hour ahead of the light with a telescope accurate enough to see somebody waving a hand on the surface of Earth from that far away. You can probably see yourself of an hour ago for light is delivering that image of yourself to you an hour late.
     I can't quite figure out how that ship would appear in middle of this though. Comparison to sonic wave when an airplane that's flying faster than sound, that ship would appear as a flash of light with the light it was emitting. And it would just vanish into blackness from the point where it left off. But how would it appear in between those two? Would the ship appear as if it is stretched from Earth to it's destination? Or just the view of back of the ship as light left behind drifting in a halt? I think it would be latter. And if the ship left the projection of light that is holding still, you'll have to be at exactly one spot to see the glimpse of the back of the ship, or the ship would just disappear like some screen visual trick show.

     It'll be really shame if there are existence of friendly alien lifeforms but traveling faster than light turn out to be not possible. Because light really is a very slow thing in the perspective of our Galaxy. It takes about 100,000 years for light to travel one side of our Galaxy to the other side. We can hope there are other friendly life containing places within these hundreds of billions of stars. But if not and need to go to another Galaxy? We might as well send a civilization on an Ark to the trip and tell them to come back soon as they reached another Galaxy. It'll be easily billions of years by the time they're back and both native and Ark civilizations would be completely alien by then.

Apr 18, 2013

Self Sparkly

Apr 16, 2013

Quick Portrait : I Love Hooters

     10 minutes painting fun.
     Wacom Tablet is amazing.

Apr 14, 2013


Apr 11, 2013

Another Run In With Religious Conversion Squad

     These religious conversion squads are getting worse these days.
     Last night couple of them ladies knocked on my door. I didn't even bother answering the door.
     Today there's a whole battalion of them camping in front of the university main entrance. I saw one of them lady squad actually physically grabbing a student trying to give him a lecture while he refused. I was late for a class but I'd still rather go around them so I crossed a road. But they were there as well, trying to grab me. I told them to get the f*** off of my back and stop following me.
     Everyone in the world know their religion exist. And anyone would have been there if they wanted it and didn't feel like they're being forced into a cage they believe in because of a book that is written and re-written over 2000 years says so, right? And if god did made me, it's perfectly find to believe in myself, right?
     Or is their god an attention whore who gets all pissy if people doesn't thank and fear him enough? Or is their church is all more about money and power than a pity excuse they call a belief?

Apr 5, 2013

Knife Play

     Me and Ashley R. Guerrero (co-blogger of Getting past the White Tiger) practicing throwing knife at each other. With a bit of a help with video effects.

Painting : Titaness

     Modeling a friend of mine Ashley R. Guerrero who is a co-blogger of Getting Past the White Tiger.
     It was a fun little idea and a lot of experiments. Not bad, overall.

     I generally likes how it turned out. But many of the parts are dull and less finished, such as detail of the cannon. But I was spending way too much time on it. I needed to move on.
     Oddly though, I really enjoyed painting her hair detail at the day I finished painting. And that was two days after she cut most of her hair.

     The video below is a progression of this painting.