Well, another questions about 'Human' is keeping me up all night. Might as well write it down and maybe collect some opinions.
Question : Male and Female's different perception / responses to intimidations.
Scenarios based on my experiences :
- A male teacher intent to intimidate the class for the whole semester. All boys goes quiet, some girls giggles.
Boys response : Holy shit. He meant to ruin our lives, and he can. We gotta watch out.
Girls response : Hahaha, I know! He's hilarious!
- When topic about 'Death' occurred occationally,
Some women showed highly negative responses. A few even moved the table when they heard the word.
Some male also showed negativity. But rather more ethusiastic about expressing their own histories or expectations, if not joking about it.
- When dancing in crowd, or play physically upclose.
Occasionally girls jiggle rubs their butts on each other without much difficulty. Then some does it to men then realize how awkward it was afteward, unless the men was highly trained for it already.
Men rubbing their butts on each other? Never seen one. Probably does happen. But certainly not as much as how women does it. Far as I know, moves like that is a 100% sex invitation in men's mind, which I heard it's not always the true with women?
Men doing humping motion on each other? Everywhere. Too vulgar to be not-joke.
- Upon dating,
'Nice men gets last'
Something that 'nice men' don't understand.
I have a couple of my own guesses.
One is that women usually comes with passive aggression, and men comes with more direct aggression. Happens to all mammals, apparently.
Two is simply because what we use to see growing up and being uncomfortalbe with anything unknown, probably particulary with intimate ones. Social / cultural education and what not.
Three is the chemicals. Women with pheromones, men with testosterone. I heard the differences are about 10 times. Just about enough to make everything different.
But I'm not quite satisfied with the pieces of puzzle I got. How exactly did these things cause those actions? Or have I missed something?
Or maybe I figured out all the answers I need while writing this down and just couldn't piece them together because I was suppose to be asleep 5 hours ago.
Anyone got anything else to add?
Dec 5, 2013
A Couple of Fun Future Prediction : Machien And Virtual World
I was driving a super car in GTA V enjoying a road rage for a few minutes without wrecking my car and this came up in my head.
The machine will do all the work for us. Everyone will lose the job except for the engineers of those machines. Then nobody will need a job because machine can produce more than everyone need. Currency / economy may become unnecessary and be disbanded.
Maybe that's how Star Trek did it.
At this point, Humanity would have mastered the virtual world. Then why bother with physical world if virtual world looks and works better, cheaper to meet people from the globe and less natural resources are required? Everyone who isn't exploring and expanding Human domain of physical world will be plugged into the virtual world. They'll be free from the physical limitation of the real universe and live their dreams.
The Matrix!!!
Unless Human still has the control. Then everyone will be gods and immortals, until they're bored and want to end it or something.
If the machines are disgusted by Human and apply the 'survivle of the fittest' part of the laws of the nature, they will prove their superior existence and exterminate the mankind. Sucks to be us. But we'd still be their god, and they have a better chance of dominating the universe than we do. So I'd say, live on, remnants of humanity! Enjoy murdering / creating galaxies or something.
The machine will do all the work for us. Everyone will lose the job except for the engineers of those machines. Then nobody will need a job because machine can produce more than everyone need. Currency / economy may become unnecessary and be disbanded.
Maybe that's how Star Trek did it.
At this point, Humanity would have mastered the virtual world. Then why bother with physical world if virtual world looks and works better, cheaper to meet people from the globe and less natural resources are required? Everyone who isn't exploring and expanding Human domain of physical world will be plugged into the virtual world. They'll be free from the physical limitation of the real universe and live their dreams.
The Matrix!!!
Unless Human still has the control. Then everyone will be gods and immortals, until they're bored and want to end it or something.
If the machines are disgusted by Human and apply the 'survivle of the fittest' part of the laws of the nature, they will prove their superior existence and exterminate the mankind. Sucks to be us. But we'd still be their god, and they have a better chance of dominating the universe than we do. So I'd say, live on, remnants of humanity! Enjoy murdering / creating galaxies or something.
Oct 4, 2013
Another Self Conversation : Life Threatening Priorities
Mind #1 : Blood or Lava is the very essence of the life force that is all over just underneath the tiny shell that's containing them. Why should we conceive them as if we're threatened when we see them?
Mind #2 : Because if you love them, you would want to cuddle those things. That's not very healthy for ya.
Mind #3 : I think our mind's got some messed up priorities here.
Mind #4 : So, we love how life looks like. But we don't wanna get into too much detail, huh?
Mind #1 : Thanks for ruining everything, assholes.
Mind #5 : Shut the f--- up! I'm trying to sleep here!
Oct 1, 2013
Autobiomythography : Bulkhead Apart
The shower of metallic rocks hit the ship's hull and every bulkhead was quaking in emergency. Internal lights flickered dangerously and the hallway was echoing with the automated brace announcement.
An idiot took the ship straight into the middle of an asteroid field.
"But I can fix this! I… I can fix this!" Hank slurred desperately, while he was pushed through the hallway by a woman.
"We are fixing this. Now shut up and keep walking!" The woman, Denny, shouted at him as she pushed him through the quake.
Hank acted as if he had a few mental disorders and been repeating 'I can fix this' ever since he drove the ship into the asteroid field. And Denny was practically his nemesis. Nothing in this galaxy frightened him more than she did.
And he's been trying to prove to her how he can stand up to his word. But the level of mess was only increasing every time he touches something in distress.
"Hey! Hands off from the console!" Denny slapped his hands when he tried to reach a console on the wall. "Get inside!"
"But I, I can fix this! Wh- where are we going?" Hank said in confusion.
He realized he was standing in front of an escape pod hatch that was already primed. And Denny just threw him into it.
"We are getting off of this asteroid field that you kept making it worse. And you are off the ship." Denny said in anger.
She slapped the console and hatch was closed in between them.
"No! Why are you doing this to me? Let me fix this! I can fix this!" Hank screamed over the hatch that muffled his voice.
He tried to pull it open, but it wasn't working.
"You've been saying that for an hour and I'm sick of it! You can't fix this! So we're fixing this and I'm not letting you interfere any further!"
"I can fix this!" Hank desperately shouted again.
"This conversation is pointless." Denny rolled up here eyes and told herself. Then she turned to Hank again. "Hey, shut up and listen! ("I can fix this!") Pod's set up to the nearest shuttle station! Find a way and go home! You are a liability and we can't keep you around here anymore!"
Hank just stared at her with the saddest face. Shouting has stopped.
Denny turned to console and reached for the eject button.
"No! I-"
A white flash popped through the window and the hull quaked again. Ice and metal particles from the pod scattered through the rain of rocks and dust further away from the window, and the escape pod zoomed away quickly.
The Pod is built to take a few punishment like a rain of small metallic rocks. The kid's better off for it than on the ship.
Then she saw an enormous rock appeared from the side of the window. It glided behind the speeding pod and the pod was headed straight toward the rock. She held her breath unconsciously. A moment later, the escape pod simply scattered on the surface of the rock with the flick of purple fire from the dying engine.
Denny grabbed her head as her upset conscious cruelly rose from her chest to her head.
The ship was docked at a major trading center on the orbit of a capital planet around for the star system . It's been almost a year without another incident. Ned has been overseeing a variety of upgrades while they were establishing other businesses on the system.
The most recent communication networking system upgrade was a Levi's idea. He convinced the crew that he saw a major opportunity. A big leap, something that all the crew can settle in. And that required them to establish a connection from the outside of this star system.
"Got it. Is it working?" Ned said while half of his body buried under the cockpit.
Levi saw the consoles are rebooting.
It took them some time to get this system work and running. Ned was skeptical about this new networking idea, and it was a very tricky business. But if Levi was right about it, this was going to make all the previous methods look like a medieval smoke signal.
Impatient Ned grumbled next to Levi while he was making a connection. It worked at the end. Further range communication with improved quality and hardly any Ping at all.
Some of the receivers were very alien to Levi and unfriendly. But after a couple of hours in the chair, he managed to get a contact with the destination that was mostly mythical to the crew.
Planet Pleament, a place where all the dreams come true, Levi once said. The receiver was the Checkpoint for the star system around Pleament. And they gave Levi the coordinates with welcoming sign.
The crew now has the destination to leave behind all of their unforgivable experiences on this system. But it will be a very long journey and the ship wasn't properly equipped for such distance. Most crews had confidence that they can make it, however. They have endured a lot of difficult situations. This one is just going to be like a road trip.
The crew had the split opinion about how will they get there. The autopilot navigation system was directing the ship into one way, which was toward already charted space, pretty much a highway for the system to system travelers. Denny supported it as if it was an unquestionable matter.
But every other crew member, Isaac, Ned, Levi, Frey, had another idea.
Frey, one of the most experienced of the crew, said if they're going to take a long trip, they wanted the trip to be rich with possibilities and opportunities. Trading opportunities on the highway was almost non-existence of that matter, unless the ship was already tuned to high performances and advertised. Their ship was not one of it. Instead, Checkpoint has been suggesting the alternative routes between their systems. And that one sounded good to everyone when Levi explained what he heard.
Ship's autopilot was coursed through the side road.
All crew members were satisfied with the course they have taken for this journey. This certainly wasn't the easiest course to fly through, as the navigation hardly registered anything in the path. But where ship's computer failed, it was the Checkpoint that navigated them through the richest area. Levi was only focused on getting to the destination if not spending time communicating with the Checkpoint. But Ned was crazed with happiness for how much new marketing they were opening. Ned was a difficult creature to control.
Denny has been keeping the crew making the smartest decisions possible. As far as the crew have experienced of her, she's never been wrong, however her methods were disagreeable sometimes.
Isaac and Frey were the biggest moral supporter for both Levi and Ned, although Frey was a bit unknown and mythical to everyone. And somehow that made Ned to believe in her even more. Frey was someone Ned wanted to believe in.
Isaac was keeping things under his watch in case anything goes wrong during the travel. That was one of the main part of his job and he's been saving the ship more than anyone can count while they were occupied in the star system they just left. But he has become less used lately. The tension from the outside became less and less ever since the incident with Hank happened.
Hank was someone Isaac could never forget. He was supposed to look after Hank, and he critically failed him. He has learned. Denny said it was all justified. And the ship did survived better without Hank. And it was an accident that how he died.
Now all he needed to keep an eye on was from within the ship. Especially with Ned, who had a brilliant mind but needed to be controlled when he gets too excited. Isaac's been doing a good job on that so far. He understood him well enough. And there's Levi. Isaac suspected he has a feeling for Denny. He should keep an eye on both of them in case Denny figures it out and wants to throw Levi out to the airlock.
Isaac spent the whole day organizing merchandise in the cargo. They were still light on the number and variety of material. But he was sure they can make more on the way there. He just lay down on his bed bunk and rechecked the number with his pad.
There was a light thunder somewhere behind the wall. It didn't sound like a big deal. This old piece of metal can hardly hold itself together. Then there was another louder thunder, then heavy grinding noise. Isaac looked around the ceiling as he tried to figure out what must have caused the noises. Then the whole room started to move slowly. Isaac jumped with a slight dizziness. The gravity was shifting toward the wall. Soon it stopped and returned to normal. But something was going wrong. He jumped out of the bed and headed to the cockpit. He was met with Denny who running toward the same direction in the hallway.
"Denny, what's happening?" Isaac asked.
"I don't know."
Both of them reached the cockpit and everyone was already there. Ned and Levi was in the consoles and there were alert lights and beeping noises going on from all over the cockpit.
"What's going on?" Denny asked soon as she walked in.
"Navigation anomaly! We flew into a highway." Ned answered.
"What? How did we come back to the highway track? I thought that was a completely different direction."
"This is not our highway." Levi answered instead. "This is another one. Something that wasn't registered in our navigation."
"We caught a giant traffic tunnel in the middle of fucking nowhere! I told you to fix the goddamn autopilot!" Ned shouted at Levi.
Gravity shook again momentarily and more beeping noises came up around the cockpit.
"Why are you telling me that? Fixing is your problem!" Levi argued Ned.
"Do I gotta do everything around here? You live in the console every day! You can fix it!"
Another giant hurtle weaved the whole ship and everyone who wasn't sitting down almost fell.
"What's up with the nudge?" Denny asked, holding on to the door.
"You see those ghostly flashes out there?" Ned pointed outside the cockpit window. There were lots of stars as usual. But there were also flashing glares once in a while all over the place. "Those are thousands of space ships in Faster Than Light speed flying right in front of us. And our autopilot and navigation network is the only thing that's keeping us shredded by one of those. But I don't trust it! It got us here in the first place when we tried to fly by, and now our FTL won't fire because our auto-pilot is keep saying 'Too many interferences'!"
"Ned, solve this. I'm going to check the engine see if we can do this manually." Denny said and ran out the door.
"I'll help." Isaac followed her.
"What do you think I've been doing? I've been… Wait, I got it!"
Ned flicked one of the switch over the ceiling and half of the warning lights went off. Isaac heard him, but Denny kept running toward the engine room entrance. If the drive was going to be used, Denny manipulating wouldn't be safe.
"Denny!" Isaac shouted at her.
Denny was already opening the hatch. Then next thing he heard was an explosive gushing air all over him strong enough to throw him toward the engine room. He realized there was a hull breach at the engine room and whatever it was it exploded a little after Denny opened the hatch. He managed to hold onto a pipe in the middle of the hallway. He vaguely heard the announcement 'Hull breach! All decks, mask on!'. But he couldn't hear anything beside the hurricane over his head. He could barely open his eyes either. He tried to see what happened to Denny, but he couldn't make a lot of sense of what he was looking at.
Then something else appeared in front of him. It was masked figure, one of the crew. Soon a mask was put on over his head and he could finally breath and see clearly. It was Frey. She had another mask tied up to her shoulder beside the one she was wearing. And without another word, she jumped and flew toward the engine room. And Isaac could finally see that Denny was still there, but barely holding on to the hatch handle. Frey landed on the entrance as if she was standing almost horizontally, and reached out to Denny and pulled her out. Denny was pushed aside to the corner by the entrance, and Frey handed her the mask she was holding on her shoulder. The hatch was about to close automatically without anybody keeping it open. But Frey forced herself to the other side of the hatch and disappeared.
The hatch closed behind Frey. The gushing air stopped.
The ship was out in the clear and most of the crew was safe, atmosphere stabilized. Frey wasn't there.
Ned explained there was a small fracture in the engine room's hull when the autopilot made the ship gave all it got and even more to evade incoming traffics. It blew open when the hatch was accessed with another blow of air. The concussion fused the engine and it needed a manual restart. Frey went out there and repaired it, but without a proper suit for vacuum to get Denny and push the ship out of the danger in time. She brought an emergency stasis syringe with her and used it on herself just when she was finished. Otherwise she would have frozen like a broken glass in a few seconds.
Isaac and Ned went to recover her. They found Frey strapped with an engine pipe and a needle deep into her heart. All of her was frozen. But her skin texture was almost normal beside some ice flakes all over her.
Denny wasn't even sure how to express her feeling. Or rather, she seemed acceptance of the matter. It was Ned who was almost tearing out. Frey was like a mentor to him, and she sacrificed herself to save the ship and the crew. And although she managed to put herself into a stasis, it was an unstable environment that she put into the sleep. Thawing her now may endanger her life or leave permanent marks all over her bio system. She needed to put into a stasis pod until they could find a proper medical facility.
Autopilot was gone into a mess. First it wanted to follow the highway traffic, and navigation seemed scrambled and it was hard to fly without some manual control. Engine room become off limit as well. The breach was too great that they couldn't repair it with what they have. Fortunately, the space station they were heading wasn't very far away.
Spaceport High Land, it was called. The place seemed bigger than how it was categorized. And all those illuminated decorations were advertising variety of things, especially with Pleament.
Denny was highly suspicious of everything on the station, and she did not want to stay too long on board. But the ship needed help and this station had a few things that can repair the hull. Unfortunately they didn't have any medical facility. Instead they had a lot of things that drove the rest of the crew hazy. The black market.
Levi was the one who was most excited about all this. He went raving all over the station with Ned. One time Ned disappeared for over a day and came back to the ship completely trashed. Denny was rather worried. Ned couldn't even remember what happened during the time he was missing. A couple hours later they figured out all of his money was gone.
Ned wasn't the only one who got himself into the trouble. A repo man showed up to the dock and claimed that the crew owed the station a few merchandises from the ship. It was true, and legal. All the advertisements in the name of Pleament were all tricks to steal stuff from the travelers.
Denny forced others to leave the station as soon as possible. There was no more arguing allowed. Their destination was coming close and they cannot let any more of this bureaucratic mess manipulating their stuff.
The traffic was increasing near Pleament's Checkpoint. Thankfully, that also meant making variety of networking transactions in the market within the range. It gained them some fortune, at least to recover from some of the cost they had to pay during their travel. But nobody was heisting anything out of it. Their destination was near.
However, the procedure through the Checkpoint was the one that could take days. The Checkpoint was part of a giant spaceport. Most of the crew decided to take the shore leave while they're waiting for the process.
Levi finally met the guy from the Checkpoint face to face. They've shared each other's stories and hanging out ever since. About how many people are passing through this station every day, how things are changing, how difficult but proud and important it is to work with the responsibility of the checkpoint. How their pay wasn't very great and economy around the star system was falling as well. Levi began to notice those phenomena as well. He wanted to help the work on the Checkpoint with his newly made friend, make new experience. It made him feel closer to the Pleament. But it was never his department. It may be the same area of expertise. But he never was properly authorized to be involved.
Levi also shared his own story with the Checkpoint. It seemed the members of the Checkpoint admired how he and his crew traveled this far. He hasn't even realized how much effort they have been going through to get here. But now that it was mentioned, it sounded like something to be proud of. He enjoyed the attention for the moment.
He was getting very excited about all this, in fact, that he decided he should be more part of the community in this star system. He believed if he trades well enough goods with the Checkpoint, he should even be able to get the residentship on the Pleament, Settle in forever, possibly even with Denny. He didn't tell the crew, but he arranged a possible deal to live on the Pleament in the exchange of the whole ship. It was a fair price for a place where all the dreams come true. And these friendly Checkpoint fellows must be where it's coming from. He was sure other crew will understand when the time comes.
Ned was the most depressed one of all, and by far. It took both Isaac and Denny to calm him down. Ned really hated this waiting ever since High Land, especially while Frey was injured like that. They had things to do and Ned needed them to be done. There is nothing for him to do on this station without bumping into crazed random people, and he hated the lack of privacy while forced to be blended in.
Process happened faster and smoothly later. And they were finally allowed to enter the system. Checkpoint suggested to first go to a moon near Pleament. The crew didn't see why not. Levi was just excited to be in the system.
On the way out from the Checkpoint, however, the crew saw an explosion on the small portion of the station from near where their ship was docked. Some of the new friends Levi met were there, and there was nothing he could do about it.
They approached the moon of Pleement, and it was a beautiful little planet. Billions of traffics were traveling around the moon and so many colorful experiences they've never seen before. At first they thought they could blend in just like anywhere else. But it was actually very difficult to catch up with everything that suddenly happened around them.
Frey was still alive, but her condition was not stable. Their travel delayed them too long. The local hospital took over the stasis pod. Nobody else knew what happened to her afterward.
Levi was still overjoyed about Pleement. But there has been many different rumors about the planet from the moon. Mostly said it is a planet where one must visit at least once in a lifetime, while others seems to have some trouble with what happened on the planet. And when they were asked exactly hat has happened, nobody answered directly. Denny did not like this phenomenon. Isaac didn't want to discourage Levi after all the trip they've made. So he supported him, although he has agreed with Denny. Ned was still on the rampage about the situation. And he started to get drunk constantly. The excitement of nearing their goal, all the waitings and loss of Frey were a lot of collisions in his mind. He pretty much believed Frey was gone forever.
They did not stay over the moon for too long. Their goal was right ahead of them. Levi was already receiving the welcoming communication from the main planet.
"This is it?" Ned asked.
"This is it, I guess." Levi answered.
"Is this fucking it?"
Ned was drunk and usually the crazed one among the crew. He's also been in a bad mood for days. It wouldn't surprise any of the crew if he acted a bit rough on the edge. But that wasn't the rage speaking. He didn't shout. That was a pure darkness drawing within his mind, the disappointment. And nobody disagreed with him. Not even Isaac.
They landed their ship and walked on the surface of the Pleament. Nobody spoke very much. They have been flying around the planet for two days looking for anywhere with the opportunities they've been listening. Instead, what they discovered was a planetary pleasure house that just didn't want anything the crew had to offer except for money.
The whole planet was already overused and drained. With everything automated including transmission, services, advertisement which kept population to keep come and spend money and go again. Some may be regular visitors who's either having a good time or became addicted. But for the crew, it was their life that was depended on. And there was no business here. The planet was practically barren to them where they can't even walk outside the door without a full space suit.
"Levi, what have you gotten us into?" Denny asked, holding her fury.
"I… I thought…"
Levi could not make any excuse for this. He was not expecting any of this.
"This is where all the dreams come true? There's nothing here. After all we had to go through?"
"But I was so sure! That's what I heard from everyone! You heard them too, didn't you?"
"Yes, that's what we all heard. But what did you really know enough to get all of us over here? Didn't you learn nothing from High Land? Goddamnit, Levi. This was exactly what I was afraid of happening. You can't trust anybody telling you anything."
"I thought we could settle on this planet. I really thought…" Levi wanted to express his enthusiasm, but hesitated.
"What?" Denny asked.
Levi didn't want to talk about it. Especially to her. Not this way.
"What have you done, Levi?"
Denny noticed something and it was going to anger her even further if he doesn't explain.
"I wanted to live here with you, together. I've already made the deal from the Checkpoint. I thought…"
"Wait, what?" Ned interfered. "What deal?"
"I told them if we like here enough eventually, we'd sell our ship to have the residency on the planet. All of us!"
"That is a grand plan. And you were going to tell us that, when, exactly?" Denny frowned at Levi.
"I'm sorry! But I was so sure this was it! I just wanted to…"
"No. Levi, I will never live with you. Why, you think things would actually happen if you just simply wanted it enough? I can't care less about your fantasies, however unfortunately I knew about those. But this is my life as well. You can't just gamble it however you're excited about, or for any of us. And I certainly don't want to be a godforsaken whore on this stupid planet that you heard it was a good idea. But apparently you can't even think enough for yourself."
Then Denny just stared at Levi. Her heartless soul was burning into the man, and he couldn't look at Denny in the eye anymore. Or any of the crew. Not even the ship. He betrayed everything he lived with for the goal that turned out to be a nothingness.
Everyone was now paying attention to something else. Levi turned away from the crew. All he could look at was the barren desert and distant wasteland. That was it. The wasteland. That's what he was going for the whole time. He has been dreaming.
"A place where all the dreams come true." Levi silently spoke to himself.
Ned looked at him. But he couldn't hear what he was saying. He turned to Isaac.
"Aren't you going to say anything?" Ned grumbled to Isaac.
Isaac sighed deeply.
"No. I…"
Isaac was interrupted by a sound of loud thud behind them, a gunshot. Everyone quickly turned around. They saw pieces of clothes and glasses mixed with red liquid rising on the horizon, Levi's body falling underneath.
"Ffff- Shit!"
The ship and the crew were back at the moon. Civilization, where they can do what they've been doing before they started the journey, but with different materials. Fortunately, they began to learn the resources and skills they had was better suiting for this new environment. But they've also drained their resources too much that they won't be able to make another long journey for some time.
New arrangements they met was very rich even it was just for a short time. And one of the neighboring market shared a lot of interest together, which cooperated together while they stayed. Then there were some shadier business deals also came by and crew's investment on them left them with nothing if they were unlucky. Nobody also stayed long enough to make any partnership solid for the long term. This was one of the new things about new environment the crew wasn't entirely ready for. Denny began to see the pattern in all this. And she did not enjoy any of it. She couldn't help feeling threatened by the losses they were sliding to the corrupted part of the marketing system on the moon.
After a while, there was hardly anything left to hold the crew together anymore. They began to spread throughout the influence of the moon. Denny was the only one left sticking around the ship and trying to rebuild the economy they have lost to get out of this center of nowhere. But it was not possible to do it on her own however she tried. One day, Ned visited the ship to meet Denny. He found out she wasn't doing so well. That brought down his mood as well. Then Denny complained how nobody isn't doing anything in this situation except for her. Everyone knew the problem. Why can't anybody do anything about it?
Ned was offended when she included him as the irresponsible ignorant individual. Ned needed to explain how he didn't like that. He shouted at her, but to tell her he's better than this. And they saw there was a problem with Isaac. He has done nothing to stop these disasters from happening recently. And he was too busy mingling with others who wouldn't even take him seriously, then he completely forgot about the ship and its responsibilities.
Denny explained that he can't be the member of the crew anymore. He became weak, holding things back and being useless.
Then something even Denny wasn't expecting happened. Ned outraged when she explained those about Isaac. He just ran out the ship. The last thing he said was "I'll take care of that bastard."
Isaac was having a busy day of his own, and he just said goodbye to another departing traveler on the dock. When their ship took off, Iiron turned around and saw a metal bar that Ned hurled at his head. Then everything went black and spun around him.
He tried to open his eyes. But he felt too tired to see around him. He tried to think what have happened. Then a searing pain seized through the side of his head. He opened his eyes and noticed he was covered in a blanket, laying on the bed, a bandage on his head. He wasn't in the dock anymore. This was much like the hospital.
Isaac couldn't understand how this just happened. Why would Ned suddenly attack him? He knew Ned wasn't in the best shape lately, but he never thought he'd strike him like that.
A nurse came by later. She said he's been out for 4 days. Ned nearly killed him if somebody from the partnering business member didn't caught the action and called the ambulance immediately. Isaac was distressed for how many days he was out, and how much he knew nothing about it. He wanted to solve the problem, talk to Ned, whatever it was.
The nurse left telling him he was recovering quickly but still need another day or two on the bed. This was pointless. He needed to get out now. But his body was nearly paralyzed, he couldn't move very well. It must be the drug or the headache, or 4 days of laying on the bed. He understood there was nothing he could do for the moment. He just laid there while hundreds of thoughts flooded into his mind.
He sensed another person walked into the room. He figured it was another nurse, and didn't bother by the presence. But that person just stood there by the door. Isaac turned his head to see who that was.
It was another patient in the hospital. She was leaning next to the door, looking at Isaac with joy and worry on her face. And Isaac couldn't take her eyes off of her when they met their gaze. It was Frey.
Frey explained everything about what has been happening while Isaac was hospitalized. Denny was now in charge of her own enterprise and she was moving in brutally, and rumors of her viciousness has been going around quickly. Other markets didn't like the method she was charging everyone with. The method she called 'Justice' was more about reconstructing the whole marketing system to the way she liked than making fair benefit for everyone. And she assaulted anything that gave her the disadvantage. Ned supported Denny with rage as well. If Denny had the idea, Ned was the voice. And he pretty much raved at everyone.
They gradually lost most of the network. It wasn't long before they decided to drop out on everything, and just make things up on their own. Denny figured she could do better by herself. She even abandoned Ned.
This shameful conflict needed a resolution. The crew needed to get things back together.
The first thing Isaac did when he got out of the hospital was looking for Ned. He wasn't very hard to find.
He heard a familiar voice shouting at him a second Isaac walked into their favorite pub. Ned strode straight toward Isaac with obvious brute intentions.
"You indiscipline stubborn son of a bitch!" Ned charged, with a fist on Isaac's chin.
Isaac collapsed on the floor, knocking a table. Ned jumped right on top of him and repeatedly assaulted his face with knuckles and vile languages. Isaac didn't fight back. He expected a bit of a rage from Ned, as usual. And Ned was completely drunk, slurring every single word and his swing was hardly consistent. Isaac did not want to fight this guy.
"Fight back!" Ned shouted.
The alcohol in his blood made him harder to breath. He was getting tired very quickly and he hardly saw where he was hitting anymore. Some of his fists just landed on the floor and the table Isaac was leaning on while mostly just scratching all over his head.
"Fight back you coward!"
Isaac still felt all of his face sore and dizzy. But Ned was completely weakened. And he knew he was winning the fight without fighting.
Ned finally stopped swinging his arm around and looked straight at mugged Isaac's face.
"Fight back…"
And the face Isaac saw from Ned wasn't rage anymore. Ned tried to catch up with his breath and he was almost crying. He fell away from Isaac, leaning on the floor. His anger stopped. Isaac sits up to face him.
"Why are you here, you stupid bastard?" Ned swallowed his fatigue and sorrow and asked.
Isaac explained how much he has been trying to get the crew and the ship together, and wanted to know why Ned was so angry.
Ned thought Isaac was weak, never there when everyone needed him, and that Denny explained how useless he has become. He also explained he was mourning every death that happened on the trip. How Frey was sacrificed to save the ship, Levi blew himself up and Hank was thrown out the airlock. And now there's three of them left and Isaac's been doing nothing with them.
"But, Ned." Isaac began to explain. "Frey's alive."
The depressed look on Ned's face vanished. He looked at Isaac straight through his eyes as if he needed to see it to believe it.
Isaac wasn't abandoning the crew, although clearly he did make some mistakes. But he was always away because he was trying to put their situation together with the given surrounding. Issac thought everyone was already too stressed to take any further pressure. So he took the matter by himself and establishing new connections. Isaac had no idea everyone would feel left out because of it.
Ned struggled, but soon he understood. And in fact, he didn't care anymore. There was somebody he thought dead was still alive and it was Frey. Ned couldn't explain why he thought she was dead. He just needed an excuse to plummet himself into the anger somehow, Isaac thought.
Ned got up, picked Isaac up, then he explained about Denny, how cruel she's turned into. And that was where Isaac was headed to.
Isaac went into the ship where Denny was suppose to be. Denny was waiting for Ihim. But he never the easy one to panic. And they were both armed.
The ship was dead and quiet. Isaac realized Denny was jumping around the ship luring him wherever she wanted. And Denny had a lot of things to say about everything. How much hard she was working to keep the ship most optimal, and it was always everyone that screwed things up all over again.
"They should have listened to me since the beginning, and we wouldn't have gotten into this mess. And where were you the whole time?" Denny spoke in the darkness.
Isaac didn't answer. He remained silent the whole time, listening to her argument. He was following the voice for a couple minutes. And he sensed a hint of fear from her.
"Answer me!"
Isaac knew she was right on top of her on the cargo dump. He unleashed the lock for the hatch above him and she fell a dozen feet down to the floor. She fell hard and cracked her ankle. The gun she held fell on the metal floor and slid to the corner of the room. Isaac jumped down and leveled with her.
"I admit," Isaac began to explain. "I can't say that anything you said was wrong. You've always been the smartest one of us. And things may have gone much better if everyone listened to you from the beginning. But that is a long line of maybe."
"And those are the maybes with at least a better outcome than this!" Denny grumbled with agony.
"You're right. We've made a lot of mistakes on the way. And here we are."
There wasn't a lot of argument left to talk about after everything Denny has been littering all over the ship. She was right. She's always been the right one. She just pushes it too far too often. And when she found problems around something she wanted to protect, she responded by disposing all the roots out of them, solving the problem permanently. And there's nothing without a problem that she wouldn't rip apart, even if that was something she valued dearly. She was going to lose everything around her.
"So what, are you going to finish me off now? Let's forget about the mistakes, is that it?"
"That's what you'd do, now, wouldn't it? No loose ends."
Isaac still had the gun in his hand. Denny knew whatever she tells him wouldn't mean anything when he had all the upper hands. And she should die, if Issac was her.
"But that's not how I do things."
The weapon slid into the holster. And the hand that had the weapon reached down toward Denny without one.
"We won't forget about our mistakes." Isaac explained. "Those are valuable lessons that came with the great cost. We shouldn't waste that by burying underground. And, well, we'll probably be kept making more mistakes. That's the way I like it. Not that you'd understand anything about taking chances."
"That sounds pretty stupid of you."
"That's why we need you. To make the smarter decision. And I'm here to hold us together when things go south. But none of us can do that very well without you."
Denny thought for a moment. Isaac couldn't read exactly what was in her mind. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to know. What mattered was that Denny caught his hand, and she let him help her back on her feet.
"I was away for too long, and I'm sorry." Isaac continued. "But I'm here now."
They stared each other in the darkness as long as they can. Denny still had so many things to argue about. But this time she had chosen not to. She simply accepted how things seem to be starting to move up. She knew as long as Issac can keep his word, she'd be able to hold her thoughts together without overreactions. Witnessing his integrity he relied on her side, she can finally be not afraid of the failures.
At the hospital, Frey finished her last treatment and settled in the new recovery room with a great view. It will take some time before she can walk outside of the hospital, and she may never even be the same. But whichever happens, she could enjoy some of this vacation for the time being.
She wondered what had happened to the crew. Watching a crew who was like a family breaking apart worried her. Just then, she noticed a familiar filthy presence briskly walking into her room. It was a man, and he froze where he stood when his eyes met with hers.
"Ned!" Frey gleefully welcomed him.
"Frey!" Ned was going cry joy. "You lived!"
Aug 25, 2013
Actively Hating 'The Great Gatsby' Movie
I heard The Great Gatsby book was more about money and the movie was more about love. Well I haven't actively hated a movie like this since The Hangover Part II. Watching those idiocies from all the main characters for half the movie was insufferable.
*Spoiler Warning*
Why the main character's so clueless who don't know when to shut up and stay out of other's business he know nothing about?
Why's these two dudes so dwelling on this girl who's uselessly indecisive like a tool she is?
At the end this asshole was the least worst and the most justified one because he's married to a woman who can't choose what she want, and he can.
And if a couple haven't seen each other for 5 years and the girl got married to another man for money, he should have moved on. I mean, he threw some good house parties. There were girls that pretty that dumb everywhere in his house.
Then there's this desperate fancy woman who just runs straight into a freaking traffic because every men she choose to meet happens to be the kind who'd slap her in the face.
Who else was there? Oh this girl with the black hair. She was alright, but sadly insignificant.
Otherwise, it's a good movie and the concept had so much potential.
I hope the book was better.
Aug 12, 2013
Aug 3, 2013
Response to This or That : Dualism (Mind & Body) vs Abject Materialism (Matter or Energy)
A Question :
This or That (Choose one of two options)
- Dualism : Mind & Body are not identical.
- Abject Materialism : The only thing that exists is matter or energy.
My Answer :
I'm not even familiar with either of the concepts. But I'm going to do a bit of guessing and here's what I think.
I believe in the soul, but not as what some religions say it is. I just borrowed a word from a religion because I don't think there is a word to describe it that sounds better than that.
When I say soul, or mind, it's more of an energy we transform. Energy always exists in a variety of forms. And when our body (mostly brain) intake certain energy, it filters, fuses that trigger chemical reactions within or inserted into our body and exhaust it into different forms.
Examples of these resulted forms are :
- Someone posting this question while choosing the words 'This or That' to say it.
- Me writing this blog to turn it into a ridiculously long comment just because of how much I love this topic.
- Saying something that feels nice.
- Playing music
- Carrying heavy things.
- Being easily stressed because of humidity or heat or what the boss said.
- Writing a religious book.
- Historical dead people heavily influencing our society, and their decade bodies soiling the Earth.
I also believe in all of us being a singularity of a universe, which Buddhism and Alan Watts explained amazingly. Thus, it explains what is commonly known as 'Butterfly Effect' as our soul or our energy continuously transform and expand.
And I'm guessing, these are all matters. Or energies.
Isn't it?
We named it 'Mind' and gave it some more happier meanings. But to me, they all sound like matters and energies.
Mind, in my opinion, as with many spiritual / mental things that's made into words that does to me, is an illusion. But it is a pretty word and I have no problem using it when I feel like.
So fundamentally, I don't believe in the sole existence of what is currently most descriptive with the word 'Mind'. And the fact that I have to use uglier words to describe what I want is quite depressing. And one of the closer-to-the-description word is the 'Body'. Maybe it's less depressing than most, but it's wrong. I'm talking about how mind effect things as energy. Why do I have to use the word body which only vaguely means any essentials of what I was explaining, just because it is closer to the description?
I blame how the languages are made that's limiting our thoughts. And if I combine those separations of Mind and Body while focusing on matters and energies of the universe, it'll be what we now know as Abject Materialism. And truly, it sounds a lot harsher than what I meant.
I have described Mind as something that is fused packs of atoms and electrons that's throwing and transforming the values of the energy. And I have no problem with that. Because that makes me a part of the universe. That's better than riding a unicorn through a rainbow!
Abject Materialism. Eugh. But that is my answer.
Jul 29, 2013
Gentlemen's Vegetable
If a woman is crying while having a sex, it's hormone related. Pad her.
If a man is crying while having a sex, he's a bitch. Kick him off the bed and go play video games.
Mmmmmmm, gender equality at work.
If a woman is bleeding out of her lady's vegetable, it's a flow of the nature that men know nothing about.
If a man is bleeding out of his gentleman's vegetable, well... shit. Sucks to be him.
If a man is crying while having a sex, he's a bitch. Kick him off the bed and go play video games.
Mmmmmmm, gender equality at work.
If a woman is bleeding out of her lady's vegetable, it's a flow of the nature that men know nothing about.
If a man is bleeding out of his gentleman's vegetable, well... shit. Sucks to be him.
![]() |
Jul 28, 2013
Worst Public Pornography I Have Ever Seen
I was in GwangJu having a lunch in the bus terminal, and there was a big screen outside. It was playing some sort of pornography where several skinny Korean lady models with tiny pants dancing all over the scripted pub. Long legs, sharp body. And their kinky pants in a setup like that must mean they're porn stars. But their waist and leg moves were stiff and boring. And facial expression was like they had a permanent facial surgery to be mannequins. They were also dancing with topless muscular dudes who were doing gym advertisement posing in the background. And I'm pretty sure I saw a Terminator had better moves than those meat sacks.
So I thought : Who in the right mind plays a pornography that terrible in a public place? Play something more educational at least! And somebody fire whoever's responsible for this visual drought!
Advertisement : Girl's Generation.
Victims of aesthetics...
Jul 19, 2013
Public deviantART profile!
Link : http://park0g.deviantart.com
It would be my second deviantART account. There was another one I've been having for years. But that thing was a bit private and only people who ever saw that was the ones who are already interested in that certain category. It will remain anonymous.
But a lot of my good friends suggested me that I should make a rather official portfolio! And there are a few works that I am actually not shy about. And this deviantART account will be where those are going to be updated.
Also, deviantART is an amazing visual art gallery and I think it is the biggest art gallery on the internet. And I love collecting a lot of their work in my profile whenever something hits me where I tick. So expect some colorfulness on it later on.
It would be my second deviantART account. There was another one I've been having for years. But that thing was a bit private and only people who ever saw that was the ones who are already interested in that certain category. It will remain anonymous.
But a lot of my good friends suggested me that I should make a rather official portfolio! And there are a few works that I am actually not shy about. And this deviantART account will be where those are going to be updated.
Also, deviantART is an amazing visual art gallery and I think it is the biggest art gallery on the internet. And I love collecting a lot of their work in my profile whenever something hits me where I tick. So expect some colorfulness on it later on.
Jul 18, 2013
Digital Art - Blackened Eyes
What are the people calling this symptom these days? Possessed? Demonic? Alien? Puppy eyes?
Modeled by Ashley R. Guerrero.
Jul 12, 2013
Job, Sleep and Magic

Ah, simple things and appreciation. Beautiful things.
I always wondered what will happen to me if I have a job working at afternoon and my body refuses to sleep after midnight. I guess I'll find out in a few hours.
Jun 23, 2013
Guns Without Influence
Got a new perspective about everyone owning the gun. You see, giving guns to everyone doesn't make any damn difference about either for the safety or the violence. Good guys gets the guns and bad guys gets guns with intentions. Balance will remain as exactly the same and all it's doing is elevating the mood, wether it's an element of entertainment or economy or for the number of body counts per minute. Nothing will be changed about how safe the life is. Because if anybody wanted somebody dead, they'll find a way. So say if somebody wanna have a gun for a luxury, I say why not. Keep it.
Wanna hear what really makes a life safer? Healthier education and not pushing people to desperation. Plus, if I live in a gun nation, I would advertise bullet proof body armor. But obviously that cumbersomeness for a casual clothing has very little marketing value.
Wanna hear what really makes a life safer? Healthier education and not pushing people to desperation. Plus, if I live in a gun nation, I would advertise bullet proof body armor. But obviously that cumbersomeness for a casual clothing has very little marketing value.
Jun 19, 2013
Christian And Demon
Funny thing about this religion is that they practically accuse everyone for being possessed by Demon but walking on water is perfectly okay. And they said it was just one dude made this world in 6 days or 7 days or something and then pointed the source where a lot of it has actually came from is the Hell itself. It's kind of like thanking the God for the food and farmers can go to hell.
Anyway, I'm assuming God and Demons are all created by people who wanted to believe or wanted to control people with beliefs. Somehow Demons are way more overpopulated than Angels, so let's just go ahead and say Demon are real for a moment just so we can have some understanding of their logic of how they dealt with them. Because the punishment was pretty real back in about medieval.
I'm not even gonna quote about war and genocide they caused because of this Religion. I'm just gonna go a small scale and how about 'burning people alive'? Their pathetic idea of 'free will' was apparently that thing is a witchcraft or something, so it's better to burn the free will. And that said, something I wanna get straight here. Demon's from hell, lot of lava and heat and fire and all that toasty stuff. And people who wanted to punish Demon set them on fire for punishment while if that was a real Demon he'd rather enjoy that and feeling like he's back at home already as his possessed Human form is turning into ash. And eventually that Demon would be back in Hell or something. But did Christians believed Demon would get punished once they're sent back to hell? To me that sounds like a giving a dude a vacation home. And presume that Demon would know how to possess someone by now, wouldn't he be like "Ah that was a good time being back home, seeing my families. Now which baby should I possess today?"
Well I know and also heard quite often that all those punishment things were just method of controlling people and not really wasn't representative of the religion. They didn't have TV back then. They had to make some impression, I guess. But lot of people actually believed in it and praised that insanity. It's just some people who would believe in everything but their own mistakes.
Christian that believes in lot of good wills and having faiths in it should be a separate religion from Christian that talk a lot about Demons and superstitions. These Demonic people's just making me anti-religion while I do believe in about the same thing of the other half of that religion, only in different names of my own. And for good reason. And they're just keep saying stop questioning their beliefs. But they're just saying that because they can't justify the things that they do and hate to be wrong so powerfully at the same time, aren't they? Who's the Demon of Deception, then?
Anyway, I'm assuming God and Demons are all created by people who wanted to believe or wanted to control people with beliefs. Somehow Demons are way more overpopulated than Angels, so let's just go ahead and say Demon are real for a moment just so we can have some understanding of their logic of how they dealt with them. Because the punishment was pretty real back in about medieval.
I'm not even gonna quote about war and genocide they caused because of this Religion. I'm just gonna go a small scale and how about 'burning people alive'? Their pathetic idea of 'free will' was apparently that thing is a witchcraft or something, so it's better to burn the free will. And that said, something I wanna get straight here. Demon's from hell, lot of lava and heat and fire and all that toasty stuff. And people who wanted to punish Demon set them on fire for punishment while if that was a real Demon he'd rather enjoy that and feeling like he's back at home already as his possessed Human form is turning into ash. And eventually that Demon would be back in Hell or something. But did Christians believed Demon would get punished once they're sent back to hell? To me that sounds like a giving a dude a vacation home. And presume that Demon would know how to possess someone by now, wouldn't he be like "Ah that was a good time being back home, seeing my families. Now which baby should I possess today?"
Well I know and also heard quite often that all those punishment things were just method of controlling people and not really wasn't representative of the religion. They didn't have TV back then. They had to make some impression, I guess. But lot of people actually believed in it and praised that insanity. It's just some people who would believe in everything but their own mistakes.
Christian that believes in lot of good wills and having faiths in it should be a separate religion from Christian that talk a lot about Demons and superstitions. These Demonic people's just making me anti-religion while I do believe in about the same thing of the other half of that religion, only in different names of my own. And for good reason. And they're just keep saying stop questioning their beliefs. But they're just saying that because they can't justify the things that they do and hate to be wrong so powerfully at the same time, aren't they? Who's the Demon of Deception, then?
Jun 13, 2013
Feel The Air!
Sometime people say something about 'Seeing is believing' while explaining whatever they've been explaining related to those kind of things. I do too once in a while and say something like 'I need to feel it in my guts and skin to believe in enough to act on it', like I did in another post from not too long ago. And when those statements are made, some smart-ass people tend to comments about it and say 'Not seeing doesn't mean non-existing' ish and those sorts.
And I believe that. Although I would make a counter statements that if I don't have to live with it, it probably wouldn't matter with me in the first place. So maybe I should stay away from somebody else's distant professions. Who am I to jump into someone else's business and tell them what to do? So maybe they're good as non-existing because they're just not a reality in a little part of the world I'm capable of comprehending in my life time. And if I make anything to say about those non-existing things in my own reality, it'll be all vague assumptions that I know nothing about but out of my own fantasies and fictions and assumptions.
But I do believe that statement about existences that what I don't see doesn't mean they don't exist. Like some radiations my eyes aren't capable of seeing or dolphin's song I'm not meant to sing or listen. So I agree with that part of the argument.
But it's their brilliant example I'm confused about that they claim they can't see and they seems to believe that they have rightfully named it 'Air'.
Air? I can see air. It's blue under the sunlight's reflexion, bend lights whenever I look at the night stars. I can feel it over my skin when I move or wind blows. And that thing makes me chock every day because I got allergy or overly sensitivity going on on it or something about my breathing system. And they're calling that magnificent force on Earth is a great example of something that they can't see? Goodness grief. Those people really need some new priorities of appreciation. They're really missing it out. I mean, where do they think they feel that heat and cold at night from? In vacuum they'd snap freeze in a few seconds but they just don't believe in the magic in the air, do they?
Send them to the space naked. Appreciate the air!
I'm joking in that last part. Death from lack of the air shouldn't be the way to go for anyone.
And I believe that. Although I would make a counter statements that if I don't have to live with it, it probably wouldn't matter with me in the first place. So maybe I should stay away from somebody else's distant professions. Who am I to jump into someone else's business and tell them what to do? So maybe they're good as non-existing because they're just not a reality in a little part of the world I'm capable of comprehending in my life time. And if I make anything to say about those non-existing things in my own reality, it'll be all vague assumptions that I know nothing about but out of my own fantasies and fictions and assumptions.
But I do believe that statement about existences that what I don't see doesn't mean they don't exist. Like some radiations my eyes aren't capable of seeing or dolphin's song I'm not meant to sing or listen. So I agree with that part of the argument.
But it's their brilliant example I'm confused about that they claim they can't see and they seems to believe that they have rightfully named it 'Air'.
Air? I can see air. It's blue under the sunlight's reflexion, bend lights whenever I look at the night stars. I can feel it over my skin when I move or wind blows. And that thing makes me chock every day because I got allergy or overly sensitivity going on on it or something about my breathing system. And they're calling that magnificent force on Earth is a great example of something that they can't see? Goodness grief. Those people really need some new priorities of appreciation. They're really missing it out. I mean, where do they think they feel that heat and cold at night from? In vacuum they'd snap freeze in a few seconds but they just don't believe in the magic in the air, do they?
Send them to the space naked. Appreciate the air!
I'm joking in that last part. Death from lack of the air shouldn't be the way to go for anyone.
Jun 11, 2013
Saving Energy : Air Conditioner
That season has come : The time when I can use cold water for shower and get sweaty soon as I leave the shower. Summer. And the climate is increasing. I survived the last year without use of Air Conditioner. I'm sure I can survive another year without it. There is one hanging right on top of my Refrigerator. And I've never even tempted to use it so far.
Some people say Global Temperature Climate, limited resources of Oil, Water and Energy such as Electricity and destroying Natural Environment are all exaggerated statements and it's nothing to be concerned about. That it is perfectly fine to keep the Air Conditioner and all the other electricities on in the room while staying away from home for days so things would stay cool when they return home from exhausting travel.
It's kind of like how people made a sound excuse about street baggers and how we should not throw them coins in their buckets because those poor people would just use that money to buy drinks. That good people should rather buy them some food that they can eat. While to me those both sounds like they're going to result just about the same thing : Bagging to death. Differences is that drinking would be their own choice with resources they have until their time to go to a permanent rest, while food would keep them alive little longer doing the same thing they've been doing for forever until their permanent rest. Now, I've seen some money left around in their bucket. Not much, but it means some soft hearted people still can't pass by that buckets without some sort of donation that's given by their own bare hands. But then I've never seen anybody actually buying them food or water or one of them actually carrying one. And I understand why people don't want to stop and turn several more corners to get them some food. I know I never have, and I'm saying that not exactly being proud of it. But I got places to go, I got energy to flow. I just don't have enough time to deliver them some temporary food while I'm traveling in a capital city unless I do happen to have time and one of them happen to be in the right place. But that never happened. But I can give them little bit of the money I have, which is much easier. All I gotta do is reach for my pocket and pull out my wallet or something shiny that people likes to trade. Surely, I may have as well given them death sentence letting them drinking to death. But how does anyone even know that bagger would really keep on drinking until suffocate in their own vomit? I know at least one of the lady who bag for money and then buy food for her kitties she hang around with. No one seems to know about that type of baggers.
I'm gonna say the same thing about Global Climate and all that wasting Energy and stuff like that. To me they seems to apply.
There are millions of theories and some of them said they're even scientifically proven wether our habit of wasting resources are killing the nature or even in the opinions that oppose that idea. There are bases for both of them. But I'm not the type who just believe in everything just because everybody around me seems to be saying so. I need something I've actually done or been through or seeing consistently or at least having some reasonable clues that I can believe in that doesn't hurt anything else or at least just causing reasonable minimum damages balancing other positive resolutions. So here's a bit curious part about this Global Climate : Have I, or anyone who commonly talk about, actually traced down the source of the disaster and seen one? Well, beside the philosophical theory that everything is connected universally, that is. Beside that, I'm talking about the main flow of things enough that I can feel it over my guts and skin. Like the ones that I can definitely feel this weathers are getting worse every year. But do I really know it's being cause by the mankind just because they're so greedy and multiplied by their overpopulated factor since that's our nature and instincts are keep telling us to be so? Or is it just our latest Ice Age slowly melting and our planet is just doing what she's ever been doing and we're just freaking out because she's so big and powerful and we tend to hesitate upon changes? Or both, perhaps? No, I haven't seen them. They're interesting and fun to talk about and sounds very reasonable that maybe I can swing by for motivation once in a while. But I don't actually entirely believe in either of them enough to bet my own life and grave to the bank, or whatever they quote about it.
So, that put me back in the point '0'. So I got this opportunity to think from a fresh new. And here's where I'm going. And this is quite simple and easy to remember, really, comparison to whatever else I just sorted out of the case.
Two 'what if's. And I know I certainly got nothing to worry about if we're not the source of the climate. So that's however I want and I usually don't feel the urge to use more than I need so I'm supposing that's perfectly fine. But what if there was a twist, and what if we are breaking the nature? One of them has consequences. One of them has the entirety of humanity at stake. So why not looking out for it whenever I can, just in case? Back up plan, being prepared, however people named for it. And in that matter, I actually can do those little things all the time. Use less water, use less electronics, buy less things and less falling into temptations even when others tend to rub that on me once in a while, media included. Not some of the very difficult things to do, are they? And that saved me my money quite a lot as well. And in fact, that's another factor why I would rather save the energy. Those bills could go insane sometime and I have other plans. I just don't wanna pay more than I should pay.
And that there is, I'm positive, some good enough reasons why I locked and saving Air Conditioner bill. And that also brought a fun challenge to play with. It's called, 'Will I survive the jungle without technology?'. Hell, I'm actually cheating and got a roof over my head what I call cave made of concrete and all the technologies I'm happy to be living with. And it's just one thing I removed from all that coziness. And if I can't even survive that, well.. I would hate to lose the game and marked as a failure of evolution.
Some people say Global Temperature Climate, limited resources of Oil, Water and Energy such as Electricity and destroying Natural Environment are all exaggerated statements and it's nothing to be concerned about. That it is perfectly fine to keep the Air Conditioner and all the other electricities on in the room while staying away from home for days so things would stay cool when they return home from exhausting travel.
It's kind of like how people made a sound excuse about street baggers and how we should not throw them coins in their buckets because those poor people would just use that money to buy drinks. That good people should rather buy them some food that they can eat. While to me those both sounds like they're going to result just about the same thing : Bagging to death. Differences is that drinking would be their own choice with resources they have until their time to go to a permanent rest, while food would keep them alive little longer doing the same thing they've been doing for forever until their permanent rest. Now, I've seen some money left around in their bucket. Not much, but it means some soft hearted people still can't pass by that buckets without some sort of donation that's given by their own bare hands. But then I've never seen anybody actually buying them food or water or one of them actually carrying one. And I understand why people don't want to stop and turn several more corners to get them some food. I know I never have, and I'm saying that not exactly being proud of it. But I got places to go, I got energy to flow. I just don't have enough time to deliver them some temporary food while I'm traveling in a capital city unless I do happen to have time and one of them happen to be in the right place. But that never happened. But I can give them little bit of the money I have, which is much easier. All I gotta do is reach for my pocket and pull out my wallet or something shiny that people likes to trade. Surely, I may have as well given them death sentence letting them drinking to death. But how does anyone even know that bagger would really keep on drinking until suffocate in their own vomit? I know at least one of the lady who bag for money and then buy food for her kitties she hang around with. No one seems to know about that type of baggers.
I'm gonna say the same thing about Global Climate and all that wasting Energy and stuff like that. To me they seems to apply.
So, that put me back in the point '0'. So I got this opportunity to think from a fresh new. And here's where I'm going. And this is quite simple and easy to remember, really, comparison to whatever else I just sorted out of the case.
Two 'what if's. And I know I certainly got nothing to worry about if we're not the source of the climate. So that's however I want and I usually don't feel the urge to use more than I need so I'm supposing that's perfectly fine. But what if there was a twist, and what if we are breaking the nature? One of them has consequences. One of them has the entirety of humanity at stake. So why not looking out for it whenever I can, just in case? Back up plan, being prepared, however people named for it. And in that matter, I actually can do those little things all the time. Use less water, use less electronics, buy less things and less falling into temptations even when others tend to rub that on me once in a while, media included. Not some of the very difficult things to do, are they? And that saved me my money quite a lot as well. And in fact, that's another factor why I would rather save the energy. Those bills could go insane sometime and I have other plans. I just don't wanna pay more than I should pay.
And that there is, I'm positive, some good enough reasons why I locked and saving Air Conditioner bill. And that also brought a fun challenge to play with. It's called, 'Will I survive the jungle without technology?'. Hell, I'm actually cheating and got a roof over my head what I call cave made of concrete and all the technologies I'm happy to be living with. And it's just one thing I removed from all that coziness. And if I can't even survive that, well.. I would hate to lose the game and marked as a failure of evolution.
May 25, 2013
May 17, 2013
Blarg Blarg Truth Blarg
How is it a truth when it is one sided? That's not a truth. That's a deception. It's like a guy with a smile on his face carrying a knife on his back. And everybody's like, "Oh! You're smily and I like it! I'll just follow you and I don't care if it's true or not!" And when he tells the truth that he got a knife then they're like "Waow there cowboy. You're freaky. Get out of my life". I mean he tells he got a knife means he's trusting other's judgement to count on him to carrying one and everybody turns right back at him and chasing another smily guy who also has a knife but just not telling. And they all go "Hey! I care trust!"
Oh goodness humanity.
May 7, 2013
Kunsan University CIE major MT video
Kunsan University Computer Information Engineering major Membership Training Video.
Apr 29, 2013
I'm an FTL?
Einstein said we can't travel faster than light, whatever vision and calculation he's been having at his time. Not much of a calculator myself, but I have a couple of fun theories that contradicts his theory. Light tend to bend and reflect every time it hit something such as water or blackhole. Doesn't that mean light can become into a full stop? Then wouldn't that make us simply walk faster than light?
Another theory : if universe is an exploded thing and we're still in the middle of the explosion, then other side of the center of explosion from us is probably flying away incredibly fast. And maybe from the perspective from that other side from us, we are already traveling faster than the light? Which explains why night sky isn't glowing with colors or completely white for how many stars are filling in the universe, even with the eye of Hubble scope. Maybe dim lights and Dark Matter isn't the only reasons why night sky is so dark. Maybe some lights simply can't reach us because they are raying backward from us.
It would be pretty interesting if we do technologically travel faster than light. Imagine traveling with a space ship that can travel about an hour ahead of the light with a telescope accurate enough to see somebody waving a hand on the surface of Earth from that far away. You can probably see yourself of an hour ago for light is delivering that image of yourself to you an hour late.
I can't quite figure out how that ship would appear in middle of this though. Comparison to sonic wave when an airplane that's flying faster than sound, that ship would appear as a flash of light with the light it was emitting. And it would just vanish into blackness from the point where it left off. But how would it appear in between those two? Would the ship appear as if it is stretched from Earth to it's destination? Or just the view of back of the ship as light left behind drifting in a halt? I think it would be latter. And if the ship left the projection of light that is holding still, you'll have to be at exactly one spot to see the glimpse of the back of the ship, or the ship would just disappear like some screen visual trick show.
It'll be really shame if there are existence of friendly alien lifeforms but traveling faster than light turn out to be not possible. Because light really is a very slow thing in the perspective of our Galaxy. It takes about 100,000 years for light to travel one side of our Galaxy to the other side. We can hope there are other friendly life containing places within these hundreds of billions of stars. But if not and need to go to another Galaxy? We might as well send a civilization on an Ark to the trip and tell them to come back soon as they reached another Galaxy. It'll be easily billions of years by the time they're back and both native and Ark civilizations would be completely alien by then.
Apr 18, 2013
Apr 16, 2013
Apr 14, 2013
Apr 11, 2013
Another Run In With Religious Conversion Squad
These religious conversion squads are getting worse these days.
Last night couple of them ladies knocked on my door. I didn't even bother answering the door.
Today there's a whole battalion of them camping in front of the university main entrance. I saw one of them lady squad actually physically grabbing a student trying to give him a lecture while he refused. I was late for a class but I'd still rather go around them so I crossed a road. But they were there as well, trying to grab me. I told them to get the f*** off of my back and stop following me.
Everyone in the world know their religion exist. And anyone would have been there if they wanted it and didn't feel like they're being forced into a cage they believe in because of a book that is written and re-written over 2000 years says so, right? And if god did made me, it's perfectly find to believe in myself, right?
Or is their god an attention whore who gets all pissy if people doesn't thank and fear him enough? Or is their church is all more about money and power than a pity excuse they call a belief?
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