'Living in a house made of woods is like living in a pile of corpses that use to be alive.'
It's a bit of a funny joke. But it is how we treat lives, isn't it?
When it comes to lives that's less resembling our own, such as spiders or grass or parasites, a lot of us just turn into some racists toward them and murder them with zero remorse. When we're bit less racist we enslave and eat them or skin them for romances.
And of course we can just sit next to each other and not be racist and get along just fine like we're in a perfect harmony. But last I heard, we can't survive a month doing that.
Evolution is telling me my existence is justified.
Moral is asking all kinds of questions that I can't answer with its own rules enough to justify myself.
In the mean time, moral is created by men and is a constantly changing thing depending on time or region. And when it's not changing, it's deciding what is right or wrong first and then judging how everything are instead of seeing things as it is.
Evolution isn't very different in that adaption except it's slower by a few million years at a time.
So, which way is up?
And what the hell is up?
Or are we just winging it?
Because I am. WEEEEEE! CANNON BALL! / :D /
Oct 6, 2014
Aug 11, 2014
These two recent comic book adapted movies had similar 'Hope' sequences. So I wanted to line it up and share it.
Recommended for those who believe in helping someone, but struggling with difficulties.
Take those fictional names as metaphors, and it could mean something hopeful for anyone who's in despair.
*SPOILER ALERT for 'X-Men : Days of Future Past'*
Recommended for those who believe in helping someone, but struggling with difficulties.
Take those fictional names as metaphors, and it could mean something hopeful for anyone who's in despair.
*SPOILER ALERT for 'X-Men : Days of Future Past'*
“So this is what becomes of us. Eric was right. Humanity does this to us.”
“Not if we show them a better path.”
“You still believe?”
“Just because someone stumbles, loses their way, it doesn’t mean they’re lost forever. Sometimes we all need a little help.”
“I’m not the man I was. I open my mind, it almost overwhelms me.”
“You’re afraid. And Cerebro knows it”
“All those voices, so much pain.”
“It’s not their pain you’re afraid of. It’s yours, Charles. And as frightening as it may be, that pain will make you stronger. If you allow yourself to feel it, embrace it, it will make you more powerful than you ever imagined. It’s the greatest gift we have to bear their pain without breaking. And it’s born from the most Human power : Hope.
Please, Charles, we need you to hope again.”
- From X-Men Days of Future Past
“It’s easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today. But there will be dark days ahead of us too. There will be days you feel all alone. And that’s when hope is needed most. No matter how berried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope.
Keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer.
My wish for you is to become hope. People need that.
And even if we fail, what better way is there to live?”
-From The Amazing Spider-Man 2
May 11, 2014
A Comment Of A Video Got Too Long So I Needed To Do It In Another Space And This Is It.
The Video LINK
The Post Description : Some people say ignorance is bliss but I think that's just denial. A look at the people who make and process the goods we own and buy.
The Ridiculously Long 'Carried Away' Comment :
You know how a lot of people think America is the rich and China is the poor? Well these Americans are exactly the same as those Chinese's cheap labor!
These are not very different from Slaves, the way I see it.
And this video could have been shorter. It's keep making the same point over and over. And they're all problems and I may have picked up just one solution. Little disappointed with that.
The solution i picked up from the video is that they should promote labors. Sounds like a good move to me. Some people who stayed long enough and involved themselves more to the company get to be introduced with the higher pays and the opportunities.
But where can they even be promoted to if the country's out of the job in the first place or things are already too expensive?
Same question occured with one of three possible solutions I thought about from watching this video.
- I thought the companies just need to pay the labor more, the simplest solution. Get them at least enough money to sustain themselves and the education for the children, plus a proper health insurance to match up with the dangers of the work environment.
But who's going to pay them?
One solution to this extra problem is that the people who want to receive one day delivery have to pay extra delivery cost for the purchases so that the workes who makes this possible can continue doing their work with the proper human work environment.
Second solution to this extra problem is about the rich people sharing their money. Now, not every rich people doesn't run a big company that uses this semi-slavery labor. I don't know what to do with those. Ask for charity service? But some of the rich forlks are, I believe, made of CEO or the similar titles. And unless they're already humble type of folks who's spending everything they got to support their own family and for the good of the company and its workers, why would they need so much money if so many people are suffering under their order? I think they can sell a few of their pensions and sport cars and save those thing's management cost to increaes the salery of their workers.
Now, I'm not a fire to fight fire type of person. Say, I think the water on fire is better. So I don't believe protesting with force and anger will create the best result. And these rich folks are the ones with powerful connections and know how to make and manage money than most of the less wealthier people. So how about try a go with more humane way to talk to their better side of the humanity? Meet them where they're comfortable, talk to them that they would like to hear, and reason with them about what the hell is going on with the human right, just like how a normal human would talk to another normal human being. Make them want to help the poor people, especially if they're their workers. Make them want to use their connections. But if a thousand people go camp on his front yard trying to force things at him, he's gonna use those connections to push people off even further or seal those connections instead. I mean, I think those rich ass people's got feeling too. And if people's trying to barge into his front door, he or she's suppose to feel sorry about that and want to help those people if he have a choice? But if that rich guy has some kind of a Xenophobia and even remotely hate the guy who isn't rich like he is, then just walk away. Or, then you can barge through his front door, maybe. Still not the best suggestion. There's not a lot of games to win a guy like that and he's probably beyond saving himself. But keep find these powerful people and convince them to help the ones who's in need the right way. And maybe these rich folks are gonna shun those who didn't help the poor and pretty much force those bunch in Xenophobia to help people themsevels or just end up left with their own bunch of arseholes and let that be the torment of their own. I'd rather not see rich people spending money on war against each other when it could be used to pay the workers more. But if it does comes to that then I think it's the duty for the poor people to stand up for the right guy.
- Back to the original problem, the second solution of it that I thought about was fully automated mechanical labor. This is more of a science fiction stuff. But it is coming.
Beside a possible side effect of these things wanting their own rights of existence, I have a hope that they can make the products even cheaper for the people or even make everything free, if Human are well educated enough to spend just the ones that they need and not over do and waste existing resources. But that's a whole other problem. (Some kids just wanna party way too big, and that is a lot of waste of resources. But how can I convince a kid to stop it if the kid's just wanna expand their experience?)
But integrating works with that kind of automated system may cause a lot of fractions with a lot fo people. First of all, it'll eleminate qutie a lot of jobs even more. The only ones who need to work is the engineers and marketing planners, who I believe would get paid quite handsomly. Plus, installing those machines that are highly durable and functional will not be cheap.
I am hoping once they are integrated enough, every products will be cheaper and people with less job opportunities may be able to sustain at least their basic needs even with fewer hours of the labor.
Risks and benefits are pretty much in between 'the dream world' and 'the economical disaster' in this one.
- Third solution, population control.
This one is morally and probably country-wide economically not-outstanding. And it'll take quite a long time to see this happening even if it become the plan to do it, unless people would rather watch the population reducing its own number by slaughtering the less wanted population or let them starve to death. And that is very not fair.
But way I see it there's way too many people and way too few jobs in comparason. Unless more people are up to the task for creating new jobs themselves and make the numbers equally as possible, the value of each of our lives will have to be low as much as the condition of the economy that produces things for everyone.
- And that just strikes me the fourth option.
Everyone, get creative and make jobs. Done.
But so far the handful of people are too good at creating jobs and others are too not focues on creating jobs.
Not the ideal image of humanity at the moment, for both economically and intellectually.
Anyways, some of my own theories of the solutions of the problems with the knowledges I have so far. I'm not a big fan when people bring up so many problems and hardly any solutions. So figured I could toss a few bones on it, even if they could be the ones that already happened and didn't work without me knowing about it.
And who knows? Maybe we actually haven't tried everything.
Ps : I actually met a quite a number of people who believe poor people are poor because they deserve to be poor, because they didn't work and didn't think hard enough to get out of their own situation. Most people who were a bit too proud to say that were Americans and later turned out to be quite the anti-Obama bunch of people, whatever the other political stands there are in America.
Is that a thing? If people are poor and dumb, they should be bullied and abandoned? And are they really not working harder than most people?
There's something I said to the other Koreans about how people should drive, because people drive kinda too angry and crazy here.
Being a better drive is not an excuse to get nuts behind the wheels, make a phone call while driving or be the speeding reckless drivers and swear at other drivers. If anyone has any capable driving skills to have enough luxury like that, they should rather spend those efforts to cover up the bad drivers or the drives who's making mistakes on the road or the emergency vehicles. That should reduce the colossal amount of lethal vehicle accidents and the stress level of the cities, thus people get to think about happier things and more focused on happer thoughts or solutions instead of keep having problems and things to complain about every day.
I think the same can be said about these rich and poor people's gap and its economical situations and how people are treating each other in general. Because some people do manage to get money in a lot of very easy ways somehow. I mean, look at those YouTube vloggers! It's ridiculous! And in the same country, the other people are stumbling into this video? Madness.
I think people are free to, and has all the rights to, help other people, is what I'm thinking.
Ps 2 : Bliss is quite possible, no matter the condition of the environment, and make it a full life. But I think that's more of a introverted people's thing and the extreme ones. But even for non-extreme-introverts, and I mean not that making it should be the first priority. But just know that one can make a good balance of the real world and the inner-world. And whenever everything looks too dark, it can always work as a fail-safe. Understand that, then even the end of the world won't set you off to the panic mode. And you never know what you'll find down there. You may even find a courage to stand up against the disasters and actually emerge.
The Post Description : Some people say ignorance is bliss but I think that's just denial. A look at the people who make and process the goods we own and buy.
The Ridiculously Long 'Carried Away' Comment :
You know how a lot of people think America is the rich and China is the poor? Well these Americans are exactly the same as those Chinese's cheap labor!
These are not very different from Slaves, the way I see it.
And this video could have been shorter. It's keep making the same point over and over. And they're all problems and I may have picked up just one solution. Little disappointed with that.
The solution i picked up from the video is that they should promote labors. Sounds like a good move to me. Some people who stayed long enough and involved themselves more to the company get to be introduced with the higher pays and the opportunities.
But where can they even be promoted to if the country's out of the job in the first place or things are already too expensive?
Same question occured with one of three possible solutions I thought about from watching this video.
- I thought the companies just need to pay the labor more, the simplest solution. Get them at least enough money to sustain themselves and the education for the children, plus a proper health insurance to match up with the dangers of the work environment.
But who's going to pay them?
One solution to this extra problem is that the people who want to receive one day delivery have to pay extra delivery cost for the purchases so that the workes who makes this possible can continue doing their work with the proper human work environment.
Second solution to this extra problem is about the rich people sharing their money. Now, not every rich people doesn't run a big company that uses this semi-slavery labor. I don't know what to do with those. Ask for charity service? But some of the rich forlks are, I believe, made of CEO or the similar titles. And unless they're already humble type of folks who's spending everything they got to support their own family and for the good of the company and its workers, why would they need so much money if so many people are suffering under their order? I think they can sell a few of their pensions and sport cars and save those thing's management cost to increaes the salery of their workers.
Now, I'm not a fire to fight fire type of person. Say, I think the water on fire is better. So I don't believe protesting with force and anger will create the best result. And these rich folks are the ones with powerful connections and know how to make and manage money than most of the less wealthier people. So how about try a go with more humane way to talk to their better side of the humanity? Meet them where they're comfortable, talk to them that they would like to hear, and reason with them about what the hell is going on with the human right, just like how a normal human would talk to another normal human being. Make them want to help the poor people, especially if they're their workers. Make them want to use their connections. But if a thousand people go camp on his front yard trying to force things at him, he's gonna use those connections to push people off even further or seal those connections instead. I mean, I think those rich ass people's got feeling too. And if people's trying to barge into his front door, he or she's suppose to feel sorry about that and want to help those people if he have a choice? But if that rich guy has some kind of a Xenophobia and even remotely hate the guy who isn't rich like he is, then just walk away. Or, then you can barge through his front door, maybe. Still not the best suggestion. There's not a lot of games to win a guy like that and he's probably beyond saving himself. But keep find these powerful people and convince them to help the ones who's in need the right way. And maybe these rich folks are gonna shun those who didn't help the poor and pretty much force those bunch in Xenophobia to help people themsevels or just end up left with their own bunch of arseholes and let that be the torment of their own. I'd rather not see rich people spending money on war against each other when it could be used to pay the workers more. But if it does comes to that then I think it's the duty for the poor people to stand up for the right guy.
- Back to the original problem, the second solution of it that I thought about was fully automated mechanical labor. This is more of a science fiction stuff. But it is coming.
Beside a possible side effect of these things wanting their own rights of existence, I have a hope that they can make the products even cheaper for the people or even make everything free, if Human are well educated enough to spend just the ones that they need and not over do and waste existing resources. But that's a whole other problem. (Some kids just wanna party way too big, and that is a lot of waste of resources. But how can I convince a kid to stop it if the kid's just wanna expand their experience?)
But integrating works with that kind of automated system may cause a lot of fractions with a lot fo people. First of all, it'll eleminate qutie a lot of jobs even more. The only ones who need to work is the engineers and marketing planners, who I believe would get paid quite handsomly. Plus, installing those machines that are highly durable and functional will not be cheap.
I am hoping once they are integrated enough, every products will be cheaper and people with less job opportunities may be able to sustain at least their basic needs even with fewer hours of the labor.
Risks and benefits are pretty much in between 'the dream world' and 'the economical disaster' in this one.
- Third solution, population control.
This one is morally and probably country-wide economically not-outstanding. And it'll take quite a long time to see this happening even if it become the plan to do it, unless people would rather watch the population reducing its own number by slaughtering the less wanted population or let them starve to death. And that is very not fair.
But way I see it there's way too many people and way too few jobs in comparason. Unless more people are up to the task for creating new jobs themselves and make the numbers equally as possible, the value of each of our lives will have to be low as much as the condition of the economy that produces things for everyone.
- And that just strikes me the fourth option.
Everyone, get creative and make jobs. Done.
But so far the handful of people are too good at creating jobs and others are too not focues on creating jobs.
Not the ideal image of humanity at the moment, for both economically and intellectually.
Anyways, some of my own theories of the solutions of the problems with the knowledges I have so far. I'm not a big fan when people bring up so many problems and hardly any solutions. So figured I could toss a few bones on it, even if they could be the ones that already happened and didn't work without me knowing about it.
And who knows? Maybe we actually haven't tried everything.
Ps : I actually met a quite a number of people who believe poor people are poor because they deserve to be poor, because they didn't work and didn't think hard enough to get out of their own situation. Most people who were a bit too proud to say that were Americans and later turned out to be quite the anti-Obama bunch of people, whatever the other political stands there are in America.
Is that a thing? If people are poor and dumb, they should be bullied and abandoned? And are they really not working harder than most people?
There's something I said to the other Koreans about how people should drive, because people drive kinda too angry and crazy here.
Being a better drive is not an excuse to get nuts behind the wheels, make a phone call while driving or be the speeding reckless drivers and swear at other drivers. If anyone has any capable driving skills to have enough luxury like that, they should rather spend those efforts to cover up the bad drivers or the drives who's making mistakes on the road or the emergency vehicles. That should reduce the colossal amount of lethal vehicle accidents and the stress level of the cities, thus people get to think about happier things and more focused on happer thoughts or solutions instead of keep having problems and things to complain about every day.
I think the same can be said about these rich and poor people's gap and its economical situations and how people are treating each other in general. Because some people do manage to get money in a lot of very easy ways somehow. I mean, look at those YouTube vloggers! It's ridiculous! And in the same country, the other people are stumbling into this video? Madness.
I think people are free to, and has all the rights to, help other people, is what I'm thinking.
Ps 2 : Bliss is quite possible, no matter the condition of the environment, and make it a full life. But I think that's more of a introverted people's thing and the extreme ones. But even for non-extreme-introverts, and I mean not that making it should be the first priority. But just know that one can make a good balance of the real world and the inner-world. And whenever everything looks too dark, it can always work as a fail-safe. Understand that, then even the end of the world won't set you off to the panic mode. And you never know what you'll find down there. You may even find a courage to stand up against the disasters and actually emerge.
Apr 29, 2014
'Frame' In Mind
Took an interesting business class today, Human mind and word tricks and all.
There was a quiz that nobody in the class room knew the answer.
[A father and a son was driving a car and they had an accident. It killed the father and his son was taken to the hospital. The doctor saw him and said, "I will not perform the surgery on him. He is my son!"
So, what's going on?]
The answer to this is revealed at the end of this post.
The class was explaining the importance of the 'Frame', which was like asking, 'What kind of colored glasses are you wearing on your mind?'. Having a point of view, perspective or an opinion are some resembling examples.
There were also some other interesting examples of this world of words.
[A: Do you support donating organs?
B : Do you not support donating organs?]
Depending on the area, only 5% to 25% of the population said they support organ donation for the question A. They didn't want to say they would give away their organs.
For the question B, 95% to 99% answered they support organ donation. They supported what's morally right for the ones who needed it. At the same time, they didn't feel the responsibility to giving away their own organs.
Same things, different order of saying it, different result.
[A : Can I smoke while I pray?
B : Am I allowed to pray if I was smoking?]
Same things, different order, different result.
[Which one would you hire?
A : Active / Smart / Critical / Cynical / Depressed person
B : Depressed / Cynical / Critical / Smart / Active person]
Same person, different order, different impression.
Asking the right question is very important, the class said.
And make habit of paying attention to other person's strong sides, acknowledge, support and compliment them if that's what you wish them to be. You'll be the one who's giving them that 'Frame'. Then they will pay attention to those sides of themselves.
And make sure to have positive attitude to things as well. That is the frame you give to yourself. It is a choice of the color of glasses you wear.
It's something to help seeing the world differently, I feel, if one choses to. A bit brighter place, if that's what I want it to be.
Speaking of examples, do you remember the first story? The son's father is dead but the doctor showed up saying that kid is the doctor's son?
The doctor was his mother.
It's a simplest quiz. But depending on how one was practiced to think, this was also a very difficult quiz to some.
Apr 20, 2014
Random Talk : Harry's Magic Hair
Why is Harry's the only one who could grew his hair with the natural magic and Tom's the bald one?
Maybe that's why Tom wanted to kill Harry. Harry's keep stealing Tom's hair and he wanted it back. Maybe he didn't even want the world domination. He just said he was because, you know, gaining followers and all that.
"I wanted to be a supermodel ever since I died and I woke up without a hair and I want my hair back!". Not the best motivation speech.
And that bastard Harry had to ruin his dream. And Dumble- whatever dude knew it all along.
Maybe that's why Tom wanted to kill Harry. Harry's keep stealing Tom's hair and he wanted it back. Maybe he didn't even want the world domination. He just said he was because, you know, gaining followers and all that.
"I wanted to be a supermodel ever since I died and I woke up without a hair and I want my hair back!". Not the best motivation speech.
And that bastard Harry had to ruin his dream. And Dumble- whatever dude knew it all along.
![]() |
Look at that hate. So misunderstood. Tom use to be pretty. Then Harry happened. Don't even let a baby do the facial surgery. |
Apr 6, 2014
My Alcoholic History, Beginning to The End
From the very first one.
Chugged half a bottle of soju when I was 4th grade. I was always good at drinking bitter stuff. I couldn't understand what all the fuss is about wearing frowny faces after a tiny cup of one of these. I would have drink all the way to the bottom of the bottle if the dude next to me didn't stop me.
40 minutes later I could barely walk. First time I got drunk.
Haven't drink another alcohol for about 10 years. I saw the other grown ups as examples for 'why not to drink'.
Endured not to drink through the freshman year in the university. I was still very not tempted to drink. Then two and half years of military service afterward, still no alcohol.
But sometime when I got out of the military, I figured mingling with drunken U.S. military people looked fun. And I had a lot of money saved up as well.
The first thing I did was looking for the strongest one I can get in the country. Bacardi 151 looked like the best way to get down to the business. Cheaper than other fancier alcohols, and I cared not about the taste. I just needed to feel like I'm drinking the proper alcohol. The blackout was the only way to drink, or fail the evening.
A few months later my brain built tolerance, while the rest of my organs lose some. Couldn't drink another one of those since. I had to move on to the weaker stuff, like vodka or beer.
Got caught up by an insignificant western bar at one of the simpler evening. They hired me. 3 months of very fun job, making cocktails and meeting teacher foreigners, drinking for free myself, giving a lot of free drinks, worked hard for it. Never got paid though. Instead got accused as a theft of 300 worth of alcohol by a manipulative and delusional ex-boss of mine, just like every other part time job workers before me. Cursed her bad management and the current state of the bar's expiration date to 2 months and quit. She hired high schoolers to replace me. The bar was closed in 3 months.
Kept going to bars. Traveled everywhere. Meeting new people. Did some sports. Going to class. Always drinking while doing it. Drinking beer in Belgium was the best thing about it.
Knew about 50 foreign teachers in the city at one point, all introduced through alcohol. Learned the meaning of the house party, got my own rented house and threw a few myself. Made a few best friends coming and going.
Solved a lot of problems while I was drunk. Caused a few less, I would like to think.
Did that about a couple of years. I got broke. Then I got a bit tired of friends I spent efforts to make kept leaving no matter what.
Didn't kept many friends at some point. Didn't go to bar much. It cost me too much, I could barely eat. I kept my beer though, I just needed my own vibe. And my friendly neighborhood cheap brandy bottles, practically making that one my girlfriend.
Only ever done house parties or outdoors since. The quiet and cheap ones.
Did that or solo just about every day. A shot of a liquor was a good headache reliever. It was a temporary pill, but that part of it was always easily remedied.
Then one day I couldn't see the point of alcohol anymore. The thought hit my head when my next shot filled with a cheap brandy waiting for me next to my work station. However the cheapest option it was available, it was still costing me a lot more than it's worth.
I looked at that shot for a decent amount of time. It was fun while it lasted. But whatever I did with it, I can do without it now if it's worth doing.
A sink took that shot for me, and never poured another one since.
For the first couple of weeks I had urges to go back drinking again. I didn't know I got addicted that much. I managed to hold back.
At 28th days since no alcohol, that withdrawal was gone completely. I got out free.
That was only about 3 years since I started drinking. And it's been about half a year since I got out of addiction. Pretty quick in and out, I feel.
I'm not in an obligation to stay away from alcohol. I would drink if circumstances don't cost me a dime. But the stuff just stinks and disorienting since I got out of addiction. Can't say I'll ever go back grabbing heavy bottles again.
It was a good thing that I had those cycles of alcoholic lives, and I probably needed them. Learned a few, lots of fun, done a lot. But that was then. Time to live another life.
Chugged half a bottle of soju when I was 4th grade. I was always good at drinking bitter stuff. I couldn't understand what all the fuss is about wearing frowny faces after a tiny cup of one of these. I would have drink all the way to the bottom of the bottle if the dude next to me didn't stop me.
40 minutes later I could barely walk. First time I got drunk.
Haven't drink another alcohol for about 10 years. I saw the other grown ups as examples for 'why not to drink'.
Endured not to drink through the freshman year in the university. I was still very not tempted to drink. Then two and half years of military service afterward, still no alcohol.
But sometime when I got out of the military, I figured mingling with drunken U.S. military people looked fun. And I had a lot of money saved up as well.
The first thing I did was looking for the strongest one I can get in the country. Bacardi 151 looked like the best way to get down to the business. Cheaper than other fancier alcohols, and I cared not about the taste. I just needed to feel like I'm drinking the proper alcohol. The blackout was the only way to drink, or fail the evening.
A few months later my brain built tolerance, while the rest of my organs lose some. Couldn't drink another one of those since. I had to move on to the weaker stuff, like vodka or beer.
Got caught up by an insignificant western bar at one of the simpler evening. They hired me. 3 months of very fun job, making cocktails and meeting teacher foreigners, drinking for free myself, giving a lot of free drinks, worked hard for it. Never got paid though. Instead got accused as a theft of 300 worth of alcohol by a manipulative and delusional ex-boss of mine, just like every other part time job workers before me. Cursed her bad management and the current state of the bar's expiration date to 2 months and quit. She hired high schoolers to replace me. The bar was closed in 3 months.
Kept going to bars. Traveled everywhere. Meeting new people. Did some sports. Going to class. Always drinking while doing it. Drinking beer in Belgium was the best thing about it.
Knew about 50 foreign teachers in the city at one point, all introduced through alcohol. Learned the meaning of the house party, got my own rented house and threw a few myself. Made a few best friends coming and going.
Solved a lot of problems while I was drunk. Caused a few less, I would like to think.
Did that about a couple of years. I got broke. Then I got a bit tired of friends I spent efforts to make kept leaving no matter what.
Didn't kept many friends at some point. Didn't go to bar much. It cost me too much, I could barely eat. I kept my beer though, I just needed my own vibe. And my friendly neighborhood cheap brandy bottles, practically making that one my girlfriend.
Only ever done house parties or outdoors since. The quiet and cheap ones.
Did that or solo just about every day. A shot of a liquor was a good headache reliever. It was a temporary pill, but that part of it was always easily remedied.
Then one day I couldn't see the point of alcohol anymore. The thought hit my head when my next shot filled with a cheap brandy waiting for me next to my work station. However the cheapest option it was available, it was still costing me a lot more than it's worth.
I looked at that shot for a decent amount of time. It was fun while it lasted. But whatever I did with it, I can do without it now if it's worth doing.
A sink took that shot for me, and never poured another one since.
For the first couple of weeks I had urges to go back drinking again. I didn't know I got addicted that much. I managed to hold back.
At 28th days since no alcohol, that withdrawal was gone completely. I got out free.
That was only about 3 years since I started drinking. And it's been about half a year since I got out of addiction. Pretty quick in and out, I feel.
I'm not in an obligation to stay away from alcohol. I would drink if circumstances don't cost me a dime. But the stuff just stinks and disorienting since I got out of addiction. Can't say I'll ever go back grabbing heavy bottles again.
It was a good thing that I had those cycles of alcoholic lives, and I probably needed them. Learned a few, lots of fun, done a lot. But that was then. Time to live another life.
Mar 31, 2014
Theoretical Korean Standard 'Modesty', Or Is It Just Less Living?
'겸손함은 생존전략. 그러나 편하게 살면 덜 산다'?
My dad came up with a theory of why Korean never say they know what to do with their lives or boast about what they can do, even though these people got potential nothing short of the geniuses.
Survival tactic, he said. If they say they can do something, and if someone ask them to do it, then they have to do it. But what if it was just another 'easier said than done' scenario?
I agreed it make sense. But I disagreed that's how it should be done all the time. About being afraid of failures and not living enough too busy surviving.
To a tyranic bossy bosses, it make sense. No one wants one of those sucking a life dry out of anybody. But to a friend or team members who's suppose to work together? Or are all Korean expected to be a capital vampires?
Beside, if one practices some easier lies long enough it's all going to turn into the reality at some point. If once they pretended they can't do anything, they're going to end up really not be able to do anything, and only do what they've been told to do.
So that's my theory.
My dad came up with a theory of why Korean never say they know what to do with their lives or boast about what they can do, even though these people got potential nothing short of the geniuses.
Survival tactic, he said. If they say they can do something, and if someone ask them to do it, then they have to do it. But what if it was just another 'easier said than done' scenario?
I agreed it make sense. But I disagreed that's how it should be done all the time. About being afraid of failures and not living enough too busy surviving.
To a tyranic bossy bosses, it make sense. No one wants one of those sucking a life dry out of anybody. But to a friend or team members who's suppose to work together? Or are all Korean expected to be a capital vampires?
Beside, if one practices some easier lies long enough it's all going to turn into the reality at some point. If once they pretended they can't do anything, they're going to end up really not be able to do anything, and only do what they've been told to do.
So that's my theory.
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