Aug 25, 2013

Actively Hating 'The Great Gatsby' Movie

     I heard The Great Gatsby book was more about money and the movie was more about love. Well I haven't actively hated a movie like this since The Hangover Part II. Watching those idiocies from all the main characters for half the movie was insufferable.

     *Spoiler Warning*
     Why the main character's so clueless who don't know when to shut up and stay out of other's business he know nothing about?
     Why's these two dudes so dwelling on this girl who's uselessly indecisive like a tool she is?
     At the end this asshole was the least worst and the most justified one because he's married to a woman who can't choose what she want, and he can.
     And if a couple haven't seen each other for 5 years and the girl got married to another man for money, he should have moved on. I mean, he threw some good house parties. There were girls that pretty that dumb everywhere in his house.
     Then there's this desperate fancy woman who just runs straight into a freaking traffic because every men she choose to meet happens to be the kind who'd slap her in the face.
     Who else was there? Oh this girl with the black hair. She was alright, but sadly insignificant.

     Otherwise, it's a good movie and the concept had so much potential.
     I hope the book was better.

Aug 3, 2013

Response to This or That : Dualism (Mind & Body) vs Abject Materialism (Matter or Energy)

     A Question :
     This or That (Choose one of two options)
     - Dualism : Mind & Body are not identical.
     - Abject Materialism : The only thing that exists is matter or energy.

     My Answer :
     I'm not even familiar with either of the concepts. But I'm going to do a bit of guessing and here's what I think.

     I believe in the soul, but not as what some religions say it is. I just borrowed a word from a religion because I don't think there is a word to describe it that sounds better than that.
     When I say soul, or mind, it's more of an energy we transform. Energy always exists in a variety of forms. And when our body (mostly brain) intake certain energy, it filters, fuses that trigger chemical reactions within or inserted into our body and exhaust it into different forms.
     Examples of these resulted forms are :
     - Someone posting this question while choosing the words 'This or That' to say it.
     - Me writing this blog to turn it into a ridiculously long comment just because of how much I love this topic.
     - Saying something that feels nice.
     - Playing music
     - Carrying heavy things.
     - Being easily stressed because of humidity or heat or what the boss said.
     - Writing a religious book.
     - Historical dead people heavily influencing our society, and their decade bodies soiling the Earth.

     I also believe in all of us being a singularity of a universe, which Buddhism and Alan Watts explained amazingly. Thus, it explains what is commonly known as 'Butterfly Effect' as our soul or our energy continuously transform and expand.

     And I'm guessing, these are all matters. Or energies.
     Isn't it?
     We named it 'Mind' and gave it some more happier meanings. But to me, they all sound like matters and energies.

     Mind, in my opinion, as with many spiritual / mental things that's made into words that does to me, is an illusion. But it is a pretty word and I have no problem using it when I feel like.
     So fundamentally, I don't believe in the sole existence of what is currently most descriptive with the word 'Mind'. And the fact that I have to use uglier words to describe what I want is quite depressing. And one of the closer-to-the-description word is the 'Body'. Maybe it's less depressing than most, but it's wrong. I'm talking about how mind effect things as energy. Why do I have to use the word body which only vaguely means any essentials of what I was explaining, just because it is closer to the description?
     I blame how the languages are made that's limiting our thoughts. And if I combine those separations of Mind and Body while focusing on matters and energies of the universe, it'll be what we now know as Abject Materialism. And truly, it sounds a lot harsher than what I meant.

     I have described Mind as something that is fused packs of atoms and electrons that's throwing and transforming the values of the energy. And I have no problem with that. Because that makes me a part of the universe. That's better than riding a unicorn through a rainbow!
     Abject Materialism. Eugh. But that is my answer.